


TASS aims to protect children’s right to food and nutrition in emergencies, TASS with the support fund of its partners identify, refer, and treat children suffering from acute malnutrition,  provide fortified foods and supplements to prevent vitamin and nutrient deficiencies, protect and promote breastfeeding, and support families in providing safe and nutritious food for young children.

TASS supported Health facilities provide services SAM treatment of children 6-59 months with medical complications in stabilization centers (in-patient treatment).  Community workers screening and identification of acutely malnourished children and PLWs with appropriate referral for care and treatment, treatment of Children 06-59 months and PLW through specialized food provisions (OTP /SFP), micronutrient support for vulnerable groups (children U5 & PLW) with Vitamin A & MMN, Nutrition, Health, Hygiene (NHHP) preventative, and promotional support including IYCF support for care givers. TASS supports annually around 16, 000 lactating and malnourished children with nutrition food and treatment.